Prof. Prasanna S. Gandhi

Department of Mechanical, IIT Bombay

Positions Open


Students Openings


Latest Openings:

Ph.D. Students:

1) Polymer Chemistry:

Brief Outline :

Using In-house designed and developed scanning microstereolithography set up it is possible to fabricate 3-D Microdevices. Diverse properties of different photocurable polymers can be used further for the fabrication of functional microdevice. Properties Optimization of different photopolymers for the free surface, constrained surface and IH microstereolithography process will help in getting control over the z-direction of microcomponents.

2) MEMS:Analysis of flexural logic gates:

Brief Outline :

At low or high temperature, control is lost as semiconductor revert to intrinsic behaviour. Creating mechanical logic units, with technology provided by MEMS has wide potential.

3) If you have interested in MEMS and would like to do some fruitful state-of-the-art for our countruy please send your CV we can always find a suitable position/outlet for such a zeal and enthusiasm. category.

If you feel you meet any of these requirements please write to me mentioning "Ph D student (topic no)" in the subject line.


M.Tech Students :

1) Position are open for students under Research Assistant : category.

The student is expected to get involved in the research work related to the Laboratory. The student will be considered for admission to Three Year M.Tech. under Research Assistant (RA) category in Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay.


Summer Students:

1) Electronics background with specialization in microprocessor/hardware.

2) Computer science/Electronics background, having knowledge of serial port and microprocessor for the development of continuous data streaming interface with serial interface of dSPACE.

3) Embedded system specialist: for the design and development of embedded system for Microstereolithography.

4) Mechatronics: for automation of z-stage.

If you feel you meet any of these requirements please write to me mentioning "intern (topic no)(duration start and end date)" in the subject line.



Apart from above mentioned openings

I am looking for motivated Ph D students interested in working on projects in the following areas

* Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Control, Mechatronics

* Robotic systems, kinematics and dynamics

* Appropriate technology for India


Current available topics in these areas are

* Active Control of slosh

* Vibration and control of flexure mechanism systems

* Power harvesting using piezoelectric devices

* Microstereolithography

* Dynamics and Control of electrostatically operated micromirrors

Contact me at for details regarding these topics. You can also propose topics of your own interest in above mentioned areas

Please see the information regarding admission procedure, rules, and regulations about Ph D program on the IIT Bombay main web site.






Office Staff Openings

Following job opportunities are open at the Suman Mashruwala Advanced Microengineering Laboratory, IIT Bombay.


1. Office Staff: 1-2 yr Experience

2. Technical Staff: Graduate in Mechanical / Electrical/ Electronics
Sciences / Engg or from pure sciences like Physics.


For Motivated Students / Candidates :