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The Department offers B.Tech., B.Tech. + M.Tech. (Dual Degree), M.Tech. and Ph.D. degree programs.

In each of the degree programs, the curriculum consists of completion of prescribed coursework and project/thesis work, as applicable. The Department offers a variety of courses, both in the classical and emerging areas of Mechanical Engineering, with an objective to expose the students to the various facets of Mechanical Engineering. The courses are designed to be rigorous and strive for student learning through various activities such as tutorials, assignments, projects and examinations. The project/thesis work is assigned on an individual basis, even at the B.Tech. level, and the student is expected to work on a problem of interest over a period of time. The project/thesis work is research and development oriented, and typically involves analysis/design of a real-life problem of interest. The project/thesis work may result in publishing of papers in journals/conferences or a patent.

For more details on the degree programs and the various courses available in the Department, please choose the appropriate link on the left.

Undergraduate Academics

NPTEL Course equivalence form

Student Application Form

UG ORIENTATION SCHEDULE for New Entrants(2023-2024)

The four-year B.Tech. program prepares students in all fundamental aspects of Mechanical Engineering, with an appropriate mix of compulsory theory and laboratory courses, and electives. The primary objective of the B.Tech. program is to train students for various industry opportunities that require background in basic Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, the design of the B.Tech. program ensures adequate preparation for taking up higher-level academic programs at the master’s and doctorate levels.

UG curriculum for 2022 BTech batch here.

Modified curricula for BTech and DD 2017 and 2018 admit batches here.

Complete details of B.Tech. curriculum are available here.

The five-year B.Tech. + M.Tech. (Dual Degree) program provides an opportunity for more in-depth exposure to Mechanical Engineering by spendng an additional year beyond the B.Tech. program. This is achieved through additional advanced compulsory courses, electives and a fourteen-months long Dual Degree Project in the final phase of the program. The Dual Degree Project is to be worked on an individual basis, and is typically a research and development oriented project in an area relevant to Mechanical Engineering. The Dual Degree Program is designed to provide an exposure to real-life problems and the their analysis procedures. The Department offers three Dual Degree specializations: Thermal and Fluids Engineering, Computer Aided Design and Automation, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing.

Complete details of DD curriculum are available here.

Complete details of the Dual Degree curriculum for the specialization of Thermal and Fluids Engineering are available here.

Complete details of the Dual Degree curriculum for the specialization of Computer Aided Design and Automation Engineering are available here.

Complete details of the Dual Degree curriculum for the specialization of Computer Integrated Manufacturing are available here.

Ph.D. Academics

Postdoc renewal form

Student Application Form

The Ph.D. program offers an opportunity for students with previous bachelor's or master's degree to work on a specific topic to significant depth. The Ph.D. program requires a certain amount of coursework in the initial stages, followed by passing a Qualifying Examination administered by the Department. Beyond a certain minimum number of courses, the thesis guide(s) may prescribe additional course(s) to be taken, depending on the requirement of the thesis work. After successful completion of the coursework and the Qualifying Examination, a Ph.D. student is confirmed in the program. The relevant information about the Qualifying Examination(Applicable from July-2022) is available here.

The next phase of the Ph.D. program involves working on the thesis topic, and is typically characterized by publishing research papers in appropriate journals and conferences. In some cases, the Ph.D. work may result in a patent based on a system designed and demonstrated during the Ph.D. work. A Ph.D. student is expected to broadly work in one of the three specializations: Thermal and Fluids Engineering, Design Engineering, and Manufacturing Engineering, though the nature of the thesis work may often require the work to be on interdisciplinary nature, not necessarily restricted to the classical Mechanical Engineering areas.

Syllabus and Sample papers for PhD Qualifying Examination can be found here.

Additional TA duty form

IRCC Financial Support Before Submission of Pre Synopsis Report.

Downloadable Forms

RPC approval form

PhD Credit Seminar Form

RA form after thesis submission

Approval Non-Air India flight (Defense)

M.Tech. Academics

Student Application Form

The two-year/three-year M.Tech. program provides an opportunity to students who previously have a bachelor’s degree and would like to specialize in an area relevant to Mechanical Engineering. The M.Tech. program contains advanced compulsory courses, electives and a fourteen-months long M.Tech. Project in the final phase of the program. The M.Tech. Project is to be worked on an individual basis, and is typically research and development oriented. The M.Tech. program is designed to provide an exposure to real-life problems and their analysis procedures. The Department offers three M.Tech. specializations: Thermal and Fluids Engineering, Design Engineering, and Manufacturing Engineering.

Complete details of the curriculum for the specialization of Thermal and Fluids Engineering are available here.

Complete details of the curriculum for the specialization of Design Engineering are available here.

Complete details of the curriculum for the specialization of Manufacturing Engineering are available here.

Complete details of the curriculum for the specialization of MMM are available here.

NPTEL Course equivalence form

Important notice to new M.Tech students

Procedure for Final Defence

List of external examiners for DD and M.Tech

Downloadable Forms

MTech Credit Seminar Form

MTech Minor for TFE,DES,MFG

Outreach Programs

The Department is actively involved in all outreach programs that IIT Bombay offers. In this context,

(a) working professionals looking for enhancing their expertise and skills,

(b) college teachers who wish to pursue Master’s and Ph.D. degree programs while continuing in their jobs, and

(c) those who are interested in distance learning opportunities

can find all the relevant information from the IIT Bombay Continuing Education Program (CEP)/Quality Improvement Program (QIP)/Center for Distance Engineering Education Program (CDEEP).

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Click on the Mechanical Engineering Link for Course Information.