At the 7th World Congress on Micro and Nano Machining (WCMNM 2024) conference held at Pattaya, Thailand, Ajay presented a paper on 'A real time vision system to measure bead geometry for wire arc additive manufacturing.'
Prof. Shrivastava was awarded with the " DP Joshi Award " at the Teachers Day function held at IIT Bombay. Congratulations sir!
Abdul Hadi Fazili and Nikhilesh Singh Bisht joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as PhD students. Welcome, Abdul and Nikhilesh!
Jignesh Nakrani was awarded Best Journal Paper Award by the IITB-Monash Research Academy. Congratulations Jignesh!
Neeraj Kumar Mishra successfully defended his PhD thesis! Congratulations Dr. Neeraj!
Our paper titled "Interfacial inhomogeneous plastic deformation during rotary friction welding of dissimilar AA2219-SS321 joint combination with AA6061 interlayer" is accepted for publication in Journal of Advanced Joining Processes. Congrats Neeraj!
Our paper titled "Understanding the anisotropic mechanical behaviour and dislocation analysis of additively manufactured CoCr alloy: insight from atomistic simulation" is accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Science. Our article will get featured on the cover page of the October 2024 edition of the journal. Congrats Rohit!
Our paper titled "Insights into fatigue crack propagation behaviour of WAAM produced SS316 stainless steel: Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental analysis" is accepted for publication in Engineering Failure Analysis. Congrats Rohit and Ajay!
Rushikesh Jagtap successfully defended his M.Tech thesis. Congrats Rushikesh!
The prestigious Yashoda Apte Research Award (YARA) has been awarded towards the development of "Robotic laser welding with integrated closed loop powder delivery system'. Congrats Parth and Rajdeep!
Our paper titled "Viability of WAAM for fabrication/repair of SS316: Fatigue crack growth behavior for varied notch locations in the vicinity of WAAM-substrate interface" is accepted for publication in Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. Congrats Jignesh, Neeraj, and Ajay!
Dr. Anas Ullah Khan joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as Post Doctoral Fellow. Welcome Dr. Anas!
Neeraj Mishra was awarded Overall Outstanding Student (PhD) award by Mechanical Engineering Department. Congratulations Neeraj!
Our group attended the International Conference on Electron Microscopy organised by the Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI-2024) at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
Our group attended the 13th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding (ISFSW) organised by The Welding Institute (TWI) at Kyoto, Japan
At 13th ISFSW conference, Neeraj Mishra presented on "Microstructure and mechanical characterization of friction stir metal deposited Inconel 600 superalloy"
At 13th ISFSW conference, Jignesh Nakrani presented on "Prediction of Fatigue crack propagation in Aluminum-Steel dissimilar joints"
Anshu Priya joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as PhD student. Welcome Anshu!
Aniket Modi joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as Project Research Assistant. Welcome Aniket!
Utsav Singh joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as M.Tech student. Welcome Utsav!
Our group attended the International Conference on Advances in Aerospace and Energy Systems (IAES- 2024) organised by ISRO at LPSC Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
At IAES 2024 conference, Neeraj Mishra presented on "Joint efficiency enhancement of rotary friction welded Ti6Al4V and SS 321 with interlayers and geometry modification"
At IAES 2024 conference, Jignesh Nakrani presented paper on " Investigation of fatigue characteristics in wire and arc additively manufacturing: A focus on the WAAM substrate interface"
Our group attended the 153rd The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Conference (TMS 2024) held at Orlando, USA
At TMS 2024 conference, Neeraj Mishra presented papers on "Effect of Interlayer Towards the Joint Properties Enhancement of Dissimilar Friction Welded SS321-AA2219", "Microstructural Evolution and Anisotropy in Stainless Steel 316L from Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing", and "Solid State Deposition of Inconel Super Alloy: Structure and Property Relationship".
At TMS 2024 conference, Jignesh Nakrani presented paper on "Fatigue crack propagation in rotary friction welded Inconel 600 and SS316L joint".
At TMS 2024 conference, Ajay presented paper on "Numerical Analysis of Heat Accumulation during Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing".
At TMS 2024 conference, Parth Vaidya presented paper on "Phase Transformation Upon Dissimilar Laser Welding of Al5083 and SS304".
Dhyey Mehta joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as Project Research Assistant. Welcome Dhyey!
Our paper titled " Influence of Cu/Ni interlayers on rotary friction welded dissimilar SS321–Ti6Al4V joints " is accepted for publication in Materials and Manufacturing Processes. Congratulations Neeraj!
Our paper titled " Dissimilar interface and joint strength of SS 304 and titanium friction stir spot welds: a numerical and experimental analysis " is accepted for publication in The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Congratulations Neeraj and Yogesh!
At the 3rd IWPDF conference held at Istanbul, Turkey, Jignesh Nakrani presented paper on "Fatigue crack growth behavior of friction stir welded SS304-Al5083 dissimilar joints".
Prof. Shrivastava was awarded with the " Excellence in Teaching Award " at the Teachers Day function held at IIT Bombay. Congratulations sir!
Our paper titled "Effect of notch location on fatigue crack growth behavior for inhomogeneous material domains in friction stir welded magnesium alloy " is accepted for publication in the International Journal of Fatigue. Congratulations Jignesh!
Dr. Rohit Singh joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as Post Doctoral Fellow. Welcome Dr. Rohit!
Our paper titled "Anisotropic fatigue crack propagation in wire arc additively manufactured 316L stainless steel " is accepted for publication in the International Journal of Fatigue. Congratulations Ajay, Neeraj and Jignesh!
Rajdeep Poulik joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as PhD student. Welcome Rajdeep!
Our group attended 51st NAMRC conference held at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA.
At NAMRC 51 conference, Prof. Shrivastava presented paper on "Fatigue crack growth behavior of SS316L deposition from wire arc additive manufacturing".
Our paper titled "X-ray tomography and characterization of dissimilar interface revealing the interplay of intermetallics, interlocking, and voids on joint strength of Al6061 and AZ31Mg dissimilar friction stir welds" is accepted for publication in the CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. Congratulations Nikhil!!
Prof. Shrivastava delivered invited talk on 'Process Modeling and Microstructures in Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Materials' held at '2-Day National Workshop on Challenges in Welding Challenges and Additive Manufacturing' at BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus.
Our paper titled " Failure Mechanism during Incremental Sheet Forming of a Commercial Purity Aluminum Alloy " is accepted for publication in the Engineering Failure Analysis. Congratulations Abhishek!!
Ramzul Irham Riza joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as PhD student. Welcome Ramzul!
At ASATM conference held at NTU Singapore, Neeraj Mishra gave an oral presentation on "Joint properties assessment of rotary friction welded Inconel 600 and SS316L with interlayers".
Rushikesh Jagtap joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as M.Tech student. Welcome Rushikesh!
Our paper titled "Improvement in strength and ductility of rotary friction welded Inconel 600 and stainless steel 316L with Cu interlayer" is accepted for publication in CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. Congrats Neeraj!
Our group attended 76th IIM ATM 2022 conference held at Hyderabad.
At IIM ATM 2022 conference, book co-edited by Prof. Amber Shrivastava titled "New Horizons in Metallurgy, Materials and Manufacturing" was released. Congratulations sir!
At IIM ATM 2022 conference, Neeraj Mishra gave an oral presentation on "Dissimilar Rotary Friction Welding of Ti6Al4V and SS321 using interlayers".
At IIM ATM 2022 conference, Jignesh Nakrani presented a poster on "Numerical Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth in AZ31 Mg Alloy Weld Joint".
At IIM ATM 2022 conference, Ajay presented a poster on "Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour of SS316L deposition from Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing".
Abhishek Kumar successfully defended his PhD defence. Congratulations Dr. Abhishek Kumar!!
Parth and Arpit joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as PhD students. Welcome to the lab!
Gourav successfully defended his Dual degree thesis. Congratulations Gourav!!
Naman successfully defended his Dual degree thesis. Congratulations Naman!!
Nambilakshmi successfully defended his Dual degree thesis. Congratulations Nambilakshmi!!
Love Kush successfully defended his Dual degree thesis. Congratulations Love Kush!!
Our paper titled " Shear modified Lemaitre damage model for fracture prediction during incremental sheet forming " is accepted for publication in the International Journal of Solids and Structures. Congratulations Abhishek!!
Ajay joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as PhD student. Welcome Ajay!
Dr. Gotawala is joining Virginia Tech as post-doctoral fellow. Many congratulations!!
Nikhil successfully defended his PhD defence. Congratulations Dr. Nikhil Gotawala!!
Our group attended 151st The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Conference (TMS 2022) held at Anaheim, USA.
At TMS 2022 conference, Nikhil Gotawala presented papers on " Analysis of Al 6061 and Mild Steel Joints from Rotary Friction Welding " and " Effect of Diffusion on Intermetallics at Interface During Friction Stir Welding of Stainless Steel and Pure Titanium "
At TMS 2022 conference, Nikhil Gotawala presented papers on " Microstructure and texture analysis of friction stir welded AZ31 Mg and Al 6061 joint." and " Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir deposited SS304." in online mode.
At TMS 2022 conference, Neeraj K. Mishra presented paper on " Microstructure and mechanical properties of rotary friction welded IN-600 and SS316L with Copper interlayer " in online mode.
Our paper titled " Solid-state deposition of multilayer SS304 by friction stir metal deposition " is accepted for publication in the Materials Letters. Congratulations Nikhil and Neeraj!!
Our paper titled ‘Microstructure and texture evolution during incremental sheet forming of AA1050 alloy’ is accepted for publication in the Journal of Materials Science. Congratulations Abhishek!!
Our paper titled ‘Numerical and experimental investigation of complex surface topography evolution during laser surface modification with raster scan’ is accepted for publication in the Journal of Manufacturing Processes. Congratulations Nakul!!
Our paper titled ‘Thermodynamics-based analysis of formation and growth of FeTi and β-Ti during friction stir welding of SS304 and pure titanium’ is accepted for publication in the Journal of Materials Science. Congratulations Nikhil!!
Our paper titled ‘Investigation of interface microstructure and mechanical properties of rotatory friction welded dissimilar aluminum-steel joints’ is accepted for publication in the Materials Science and Engineering: A. Congratulations Nikhil!!
Samish successfully defended his Dual Degree thesis. Congratulations Samish!!
Yogesh successfully defended his M.Tech. thesis. Congratulations Yogesh!!
At NAMRC 49 conference, Nakul Ghate presented paper on " Power spectral analysis of surface microtopography formed in CW Laser surface texturing"
At TMS 2020 conference, Nikhil Gotawala presented papers on " Analysis of Al 6061 and Mild Steel Joints from Rotary Friction Welding" and " Effect of Diffusion on Intermetallics at Interface During Friction Stir Welding of Stainless Steel and Pure Titanium"
Our paper titled ‘Defects, microstructure and mechanical behaviour upon multi-pass friction stir processing of magnesium alloy with spiral tool path’ is accepted for publication in the CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. Congratulations Abhishek and Nikhil!!
Our paper titled ‘Microstructure and texture evolution of complete Mg-3Al-0.2Ce alloy blanks upon multi-pass friction stir processing with spiral strategy’ is accepted for publication in the Materials Today Communications. Congratulations Nikhil and Abhishek!!
Nikhil Gotawala received Annul Progress Seminar (APS) Award. Congratulations Nikhil!!
Our paper titled ‘Laser Processing of Multiple Surface Characteristics for Ti6Al4V Biomedical Implants’ is accepted for publication in the Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processes. Congratulations Nakul!!
Professor Amber Shrivastava has been appointed as the Joint Honorary Secretary of the Indian Institute of Metals.
Nakul Ghate received the Undergraduate Research Award. Congratulations Nakul!!
Our paper titled ‘Analysis of material distribution in dissimilar friction stir welded joints of Al 1050 and copper’ is accepted for publication in the Journal of Manufacturing Processes. Congratulations Nikhil!!
Our paper titled Microstructural analysis and mechanical behavior of SS 304 and titanium joint from friction stir butt welding' is accepted for publication in the Materials Science and Engineering:A. Congratulations Nikhil!!
Nakul and Vishal successfully defended their Dual Degree thesis. Congratulations Nakul and Vishal!!
Abhijeet successfully defended his M.Tech. thesis. Congratulations Abhijeet!!
Our group attended 149th The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Conference (TMS 2020) held at San Diego, USA.
At TMS 2020 conference, Abhishek Kumar presented papers on "Experimental Investigation of Raster Tool Path Strategy for Friction Stir Processing of Magnesium Alloy" and "Friction Stir Processing of Magnesium Alloy with Spiral Tool Path Strategy"
At TMS 2020 conference, Nakul Ghate presented paper on "High Temperature Corrosion of Additively Manufactured Inconel 625"
At TMS 2020 confernece, Nakul Ghate presented posters on "Annealing of Additively Manufactured Inconel 625" and "Effect of Scanning Strategy on Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V"
Anukul succesfully defended their M.Tech thesis. Congratulations Anukul!!
Manish Kumar and Anshul Jain joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as PhD students. Welcome Manish and Anshul!!
Our paper titled 'Phase transformation during friction stir processing of dual-phase 600 steel' is accepted for publication in the Journal of Materials Science. Congratulations Nikhil and Abhishek!!
Nikhil Gotawala wins best poster award in 'Advanced Material Processing' category at the 73rd NMD ATM 2019 Conference. Congratulations to Nikhil!! Title of Nikhil's poster presented is "Coupled 3D Thermomechanical and Phase Transformation Model for Friction Stir Processing of Dual Phase 600 Steel"
Our group attended 73rd Annual Technical Meeting Conference co-located with 57th National Metallurgist's Day by Indian Institute of Metals. Nikhil Gotawala presented paper on "Material Movement during Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding of Al 1050 and Copper".
Our Paper titled 'Ductile fracture based joint formation mechanism during friction stir welding' is accepted for publicaiton in the International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Congratulations to Nakul, Aarush and Avijit!!
Prof Shrivastava delivered talk on "In-process discontinuity detection during friction stir welding." for 'Sabarmati Young Researcher Seminar Series' at IIT Gandhinagar. We thank Prof. Amit Arora for hosting.
Manish and Sandeep's invention titled "An apparatus for applying adhesive tape" filed for patent (Indian Patent Application No. 201921037475). Congratulations Manish and Sandeep!!
Jignesh Nakrani and Neeraj Mishra joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as PhD students. Welcome Jignesh and Neeraj!!
Abhishek Kumar presented paper on "Effect of plastic anisotropy on failure prediction during incremental sheet forming of AA6061 alloy" at NUMIFORM 2019 held at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA.
Ruturaj and Vineeth succesfully defended their M.Tech thesis. Congratulations Ruturaj and Vineeth!!
Our group attended 148th The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Conference (TMS 2019) held at San Antonio, Texas, USA. We presented work on "Investigation of Interfacial Diffusion During Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding".
Our student team also participated in Blasesmithing Competition at TMS 2019. Our entry 'TALWAR' received 'Special Commendation' in 'Hands-On process' category. Congratulations to Gaurav and Nikhil!!
Kunal succesfully defended his M.Tech (dual degree) thesis. Congratulations Kunal!!
Our group attended World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM) 2018 held at Ljubljana, Slovenia. Nakul Ghate presented his work titled "Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Laser Surface Modification of Ti6Al4V for Biocompatible Applications".
Avijit and Abhishek successfully defened their M.Tech thesis. Congratulations Avijit and Abhishek!!
Nikhil Gotawala joined Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab as PhD student. Welcome Nikhil!!